Idyllic Wellness Sanctuary
This service identifies substances of abuse including pharmaceutical and illicit drugs and detoxification is then offered to rid the body of the toxins introduced into the body by the substance(s) monitored by medical personnel at a medical facility.
Medical Services
This is an umbrella service that includes; trauma counselling, transformational coaching, psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, palliative care, management and counselling of depression and anxiety, family therapy and group therapy. We identify the unique underlying issues plaguing and individual an through one-on-one sessions with a counsellor, group sessions, family sessions permanent solutions to these issues are sought to ensure a holistic and fulfilling life without chemical dependency or mental issues. It's a 90 day program after which an individual is expected to have the tools to live a normal and productive life and if need be transitional living services are offered to help the individual transition back to society or aftercare services for those that complete their 90 day program
At the comfort of your own house, you can book a therapy session with one of our seasoned Pyschologists.
We do an initial needs assessment to see whether an individual is a candidate for this type of service. If the patient
This is a cardinal part of treatment. A comprehensive mental assessment of an individual is conducted and from the assessment, pharmacotherapy intervention may be advised and a diagnosis and prognosis offered to chart the course of treatment.
This involves assessing the psychological needs of an individual to determine if further intervention is required. An individuals psycho-social needs are assessed and a treatment plan is devised to complement any psychiatric issues identified.
This service is an umbrella term for a form of psychotherapy that involves providing an individuals with the necessary life skills to succeed in life.
This involves providing empathetic care to an individual to ensure a good quality of living supervised by medical staff with regular visits to ensure that all medical needs are met including alleviating any pain or discomfort.
This involves providing services to stigmatized and marginalized populations These populations are equipped with tools to correct their character for the youth, coping skills for victims of trauma and empathetic VCT guidance on how to live a fulfilling life
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We are the heart ❤️ of holistic wellness. We specialize in holistic wellness services to treat psychogenic issues.
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